Donate :: Camdeboo Sterilisation Initiative

Camdeboo Sterilisation Initiative (CSI) is appealing for our support to raise money for their much needed sterilisation campaign.  Started by a small group of animal lovers, their main focus is to reduce animal  suffering, neglect and abuse through the sterilisation of domestic pets in the mainly impoverished areas in and around Graaff Reinet.

They also provide food where dogs and cats are found in dire need; food and water bowls and try and replace chains with collars.  Since starting last year, they have already done 70 sterilisations!  What an achievement.  Their progress is hampered only by access to funds, so please consider joining us in making a donation to this extremely important project and assist CSI in fulfilling their mandate.

Any donations can be made directly into their vets accounts:
Camdeboo Vet Clinic
Standard Bank
Acc nr 082 528 799
Branch code 050116
Ref 1181 CSI (and name of donator)

Should you like to make a donation, drop Erma an email as she would personally like to thank you.
If you require a tax certificate, you can make the donation to Animal Outreaches REF CSI SPAY and email a copy of the payment to Erma.

Banking Details for Animal Outreaches
Standard Bank of SA Limited
Account No 080 177 182
Branch Code 050017
IBAN Number ZA 050017 080177182 

Below are some photos of the township dogs sterilised this year:

Katinka & Tinktinkie
Donated food